Radio Eurodance Classic - Strictly 90s - About us

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From Malaysia.....Greetings and many thanks for the phantastic music, loving it!!!
Sunday, 06 April 2014
hello from chile south america, i love the 90 music euro
Saturday, 21 April 2012
This is the best eurodance station...greeting from Bulgaria!
Thursday, 29 August 2013
Techno euro-dance and the 90's never die!!! Greetings from a big fan from PERU!!! Viva el techno!! CQ.
Monday, 24 September 2012
Greetings from Greece, don't stop the mu
Greetings from Greece, don't stop the music it's the best radio !!!
Monday, 03 December 2012


14.5%Poland Poland
10.4%Russian Federation Russian Federation
9.5%United States United States
5.8%Romania Romania
5.8%Slovakia Slovakia
4.9%Germany Germany
4%United Kingdom United Kingdom
3.7%Canada Canada
2.7%Finland Finland
2.7%Spain Spain


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Radio Eurodance Classic is an independent web-radio producer eurodance station; we really stick to this style. You will not hear anything else. All tracks are from the 90s.

The stream is carried on the internet via the Torontocast Broadcast Network. Torontocast is responsible for the legal, technical and financial aspects of the service.

We began broadcasting in February 1, 2011, we arranged for Radionomy to carry our program on one of its streams. In December 30, 2017 our stream began to be carried by Torontocast on one of its streams.

Torontocast LLC Canada
13-280 West Beaver Creek Rd
Suite #164 Richmond Hill
ON L4B 3Z1


If you like this station, please consider a donation.Your donation will help lower the costs for web- and streamhosting. Thank you !

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torontocast SOCAN This station is hosted in Canada and is part of the Torontocast network covered by Canadian law.


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