Radio Eurodance Classic - Strictly 90s - How can I listen ?

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Eurodance forever and ever !
Sunday, 31 December 2017
eurodance project - flying away
Friday, 30 November 2012
Excellent station/music. However currently I'm getting some lounge "JamendoLounge" at this address [URL=]radiodio eurodance classic link[/URL] Any idea why?
Friday, 06 May 2016
Great tunes! I love Eurodance. Cheers, from Argentina
Saturday, 20 June 2015
Greetings from USA, Best 90's Eurodance Internet Radio - Keep It Up....
Monday, 04 November 2013


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5.7%Germany Germany
5.5%Romania Romania
5.2%United Kingdom United Kingdom
3.8%Canada Canada
3.3%Brazil Brazil
3.3%Slovakia Slovakia
2.4%Peru Peru


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Radio Eurodance Classic  is a radiostation that only broadcast over the internet. However, you do not have to let your computer run all day long because you can also listen via your Smartphone through different apps. We broadcast under the Torontocast network and is affiliated with SOCAN license.

Are we legal?

Yes, Radio Eurodance Classic is 100% legal.
The stream is hosted by Torontocast in Canada and is officially a Canadian radio station.
Torontocast covers all licences through the Canadian copyright organization SOCAN.

We are using a high-band stream at 128kbps, which is almost CD quality. You can access this high quality audio stream from one of the first 3 external player icons.

With the HTML5 player, you don't have to install extra software on your pc. This player will normally work on mobile devices too.

Our stream is available 24/7.
Each day non-stop eurodance from the 90s.

You can listen worlwide.
If you have an internet radio receiver and you can't find our station in your receiver, you can copy/paste the following url:

If Windows mediaplayer isn't installed on your computer; you can download from this link.


If you like this station, please consider a donation.Your donation will help lower the costs for web- and streamhosting. Thank you !

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torontocast SOCAN This station is hosted in Canada and is part of the Torontocast network covered by Canadian law.


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